On Politics We Are a Nation Divided When It Comes to the a Word Part - There comes a time in a person's life when you have to start thinking for yourself rather than be a lemming to politics, a political party, politicians, pundits, predators and a phony press.

Tough Love Why the Federal Reserve Should NOT Cut Interest Rates - With the real estate bubble having burst and the financial system in a tizzy over the attending fallout in the mortgage markets, bankers, investors, homeowners, and CEOs are calling on the Federal Reserve?s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) to cut the federal funds rate in an effort to avert a financial meltdown.

We Have Failed the Mentall Ill - This article was inspired by the tradegic killing of 33 people on the Virginia Tech campus in April 2007.

Climate Change Four Myths Debunked - Not sure where you stand on the scientific reality of climate change? This article brings forth facts and figures to address some of the main myths that might be stopping you from wanting to help stop global warming?.

When Can the USA be Fossil Fuels Independent - The USA is behind on replacing fossil fuels electrical power generation with renewable energy.

Momma Always Told You Dont Play In The Street - Eight (8) people lay dead in the street because no one listens to momma.

Technology and Politics The Internets Influence on Politics - Can, and will, the next generation of politicians exploit the communication mediums available to them? Will the new communication mediums have the power to influence public opinion? Will politicians be the victims of technology, or will they use it to their benefit?.

Bite The Bullet - The government wants to give you and me government money.

The False Promise Of Ethanol - The article deals with the efficiency of ethanol as motor fuel and with its ability to contribute to a reduction in global warming.

Information The Government Makes Public About You - Learn about what important information can be uncovered within many US public records.

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