Americans Work Why Doesnt America - An exploration of contradictions between American work habits and productivity and American's slipping competitive position in the global workplace.

Moscherinisindacoit - il sito di Gianni Moscherini, sindaco di Civitavecchia.

A Message To All Peace Activist And Peace Seekers - The missing element in the peace movements has always been the lack of a practical plan for peace that provides a logical alternative to all war that will be universally accepted by everyone.

The Nursing Shortage and Catman Cohen An Artist Memorializes The US Nursing Shortage Plight - The nursing shortage and Catman Cohen: What do these two have to do with each other? The answer is this: The nursing shortage in America has been memorialized in song and video by an unlikely hero named Catman Cohen whose body of work has struck a raw nerve in this country.

Winston Churchill Quotes to Celebrate His Birthday - Think Winston Churchill quotes are boring phrases about politics and war? Then you don't know Churchill.

How To Really Save Planet Earth A Test About Al Gore - Al Gore is NOT telling people how to really save the planet, but you may be surprised who is.

Dark Secret About Education Part II - This article further defines how to challenge the dark secret about our educational system.

Sustainable Development What does it mean and who wants to tell you - This article serves to answer basic questions regarding the project of sustainable development.

Can A Black Man With Power And Influence Survive In America - A once popular Black Major of the city of Compton, Omar Bradley, was taken down.

Election Of Your Life - A look at the mindset of the generations in America as we approach the 2008 Presidential election, and why one should be involved in the political process regardless of age or experience.

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