
Back to The Future With Germany

When the Second World War was finished, the Soviet Union set up a system of local offices run by German Communists much like the system of the Soviet System itself. Farms, industries, and banks alike were taken and reordered. People suspected of opposing the Communist regime were thrown into jails and prisons. The Communists also forced other parties to join them, forming the Socialist Union Party. The very first secretary of this party was the most powerful leader in all of East Germany.

In May of 1949, a Communist constitution was created and adopted. On the 7th of October, the place known as the Soviet zone was turned into East Germany. East Berlin was the capital of Easy Germany.

Although independent, Soviet influence still affected the way this part of Germany was run. A special police force was developed for Easy Germany around the year of 1965 yet many special units had already been receiving equipment for four years already. The standard of living was significantly lower after the war was finished, although the economy seemed to be thriving a little more.

Ulbricht was a jerk of a leader. His work included trying to raise working hours without increasing pay, which led to riots all across Easy Germany. These protests were put down quickly by Soviet run tanks and troops. Under Ulbricht, there was no freedom of speech. Soon thereafter, a wall was put in place in Berlin, better known as the Berlin Wall.

Hundreds upon hundreds of people tried to cross this wall but died in vain, as each and every one of them was killed. A couple may have survived but the majority never made it over the wall. There were a few major changes in East Germany around the year 1989.

There were many demonstrations against the Communist governments all around Europe. Many leaders were forced to resign from their positions because of civil unrest. One of these leaders included Erin Honecker, who was charged with murdering many of those who tried to flee from East Germany. He died in Chile in 1994. On November 9, 1989, Germany announced the opening of its borders with other nations.

This in turn caused the movements which have formed the Germany as we know it today. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, many parties which were not Communist were formed. Since that time Germany has remained Communist free and people are still able to travel and vote freely.

© 2006 -- Adrian Barrett -- To learn German, please visit this website.

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