
The Top Questions Ordinary Joes Should Think About Our Democracy

Do you believe the American political system - once the shining light of the world - is devolving into a national joke? A lot of the world believes this is true. How can ordinary Joes make sense of the endless game of partisan ranting and empty promises? Do you really think you will be better (or worse) off just because your favorite party just won (or lost) the recent election? Political books are usually written by politicians with agendas or media personalities hoping for the next bestseller. Robert Wickes, author of The Myth America Pageant, is neither. Rob is an "Ordinary Joe" just like his readers, who uses simple, practical, common sense to create a whole new political perspective to explore and explain America's most critical issues, including taxes, the economy, the environment, education, and, most of all, political mischief. Finally, some is willing to reveal the truth about the historical origins, political motivations, and economic realities of our democracy with a thought-provoking, passion-evoking analysis of today's problems.

Here's his list of the 10 questions every American should be thinking about in terms of Democracy. 10. How many people vote based the last sign they saw before they entered the voting booth? 9. If only 1/2 of the population is eligible to vote, and only 1/2 of the eligible voters register to vote, and only 1/2 of the registered voters actually vote, what are the rest of you doing? 8. Is the fate of our nation is being determined by people who can't figure out how to mark their ballots correctly? 7.

Why don't you have to pass a written test to prove you're qualified to vote and determine the fate of 300 million people? 6. What do those people who together give over a BILLION dollars to win a job for someone else expect in return for themselves? 5. You can't vote unless you're a citizen.

You can't be a citizen unless you can pass an English test. So why do we print ballots in 18 languages? 4. If all the voters in the 8 largest states all voted for the same presidential candidate, it wouldn't matter how the entire rest of the country voted.

Do you really want to get rid of the electoral college? 3. Considering the growth of government for the last 80 years, do you really think you will be better (or worse) off just because your favorite party just won (or lost) the last election? 2. Is the nation's course is being set by opinion polls using as little as 3/10,000ths of one percent of the population. And the NUMBER ONE question Ordinary Joe needs to think about our Democracy: 1. A medical survey once concluded that 48%--almost half-of the population had some symptoms of mental illness. If "illness" is defined as a departure from normal, and if "normal" is defined as what half the population holds in common, then how do we know which half is really mentally ill?.

Robert V. Wickes is an Ordinary Joe who believes that other Ordinary Joes need to educate themselves about the reality of the American political system. Learn more at http://www.mythamericabooks.com

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